Java, FXML
Rant is intended as a social media platform where users can unleash their true feelings and rant about anything and everything that bothers or amuses them at the time.
I wrote Rant in Java. I used FXML and Scenebuilder to create the graphics of the application. To make the server, I used the Spring framework. Lastly, I made the database in MySQLWorkbench.
As of now, Rant is a local application, the server and database exists only on my computer. My reason for making Rant was to learn how to build an application with Java, and to get some understanding of how the interaction between a server, a database and a client works. But it is not finished. I would like to keep working on it and eventually publishing it for people to use.
This is the login screen. The user authenticates with username and password. If the user does not have an account, he can open the sign up page by clicking the 'sign up' button.
On this page, the user uploads new 'rants'. The user is allowed 255 characters in total. When posted, the rant will be visible on the user's profile wall and following users' home page, or feed.
This an example home page feed. Posts from followed users are displayed and they can be interacted with by agreeing, disagreeing and commenting.
I chose to have a visible menu bar on all pages of the application for increased maneuverability. The design of the application is mostly functional.
This demovideo showcases the ease of navigating through the app. It also shows how users can view posts, either in their feed or by searching for other users' profiles, and how they can interact with them.